domingo, 16 de octubre de 2016



Autumn is the season that falls between summer and winter. There are many changes that begin in this fascinating season. Days become shorter. Leaves of trees turn from green to vibrant red, yellow and orange. Trees need sunlight to keep their leaves a lively green. Without sunlight leaves turn colors. The grass is no longer blanketed with dew but with frost, almost every morning, as temperatures reach the freezing point. Animals start storing up a food supply to last through the long winter months. These changes occur as we adjust from the heat of the summer to the chill of the winter.
Autumn is traditionally harvest time when the farmers would cut their crops to prepare them for storage or to sell. A lot of farmers plow their fields in the fall so it will give them a head start for the spring. September is also the time that farmers plant winter wheat. It grows until it gets cold and then it goes dormant, which means it stops growing, until spring when it starts growing again.
Most farm animals love corn, its store extra body fat, but it has to pick at just the right time so the farmers can have a supply all winter long. Most corn today is picked with a picker-sheller or a combine, both machines shell the corn off the cob and then the farmer dumps it in a gas batch dryer which dries it to certain hardness, otherwise it will get moldy in storage. Some farmers still just pick the whole ear with a regular corn picker and store it in a corn crib, if they are going to just pick it, they leave it in the field longer so it will dry. They test the moisture by shelling the corn off the cob and putting a handful into a moisture tester.

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